Thanks so much for forwarding the beautiful pictures! I think our favorite is #5, but you look beautiful in all of them! It was so nice seeing you all today. Suzie
Emel aşkolsun benim blogdan neden bu kadar geç haberim oldu bakimmmmm. Kızdım valla ,hem neden düzenli bir şeyler yazmıyorsun.İleride de anı olur biz de okuruz :) Oğlumuda sana verdim gitti.Gerçi bunun tersi olur hep ama :)
5 yorum:
Thanks so much for forwarding the beautiful pictures! I think our favorite is #5, but you look beautiful in all of them! It was so nice seeing you all today.
I just realized that you left a comment! I really appreciate it. Hope to see you again.
Wedding dress #5 is my favorite! I can't to see you in it! You're beautiful!
I just saw you left a comment. I bought the last one already, I mean order =))
Emel aşkolsun benim blogdan neden bu kadar geç haberim oldu bakimmmmm.
Kızdım valla ,hem neden düzenli bir şeyler yazmıyorsun.İleride de anı olur biz de okuruz :)
Oğlumuda sana verdim gitti.Gerçi bunun tersi olur hep ama :)
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